
Saturday, 6 May 2017

Ten summer foods to keep you cool this summer

Heat is creating new records every year. Air conditioners, fans and coolers are working overtime and yet they are not enough. A step out of the  a. c. is synonymous to a step inside a blast furnace. The very thought of outdoors is nauseating. Imagine there were days when we used to spend the whole of summer playing outdoors!
Ever wondered how our bodies were so well prepared to take the atrocities of summer then and why not now! The answer  of course lies in food. There are some food like mustard oil, garlic, ghee etc. which are warm by nature. Similarly some food cools us down. It's like they trigger the inbuilt air conditioner in our bodies. We produce before you  a list of  ten such foods that will breeze you through this hard season.

  1. Phaalse - These are a variety of blueberries found in North India. Rich in magnesium, calcium, iron, Vitamin A and C, it's roots, stems and leaves all contain medicinal properties. In fact the Encyclopedia of World medicinal plants refer to it as a wonderful astringent and coolant. The ripe fruits cool down body temperature and their juice is considered as an elixir for summer. 
  2. Tar - Called as Palmyra fruits in english, these sweet and juicy fruits are perfect  summer treats. They are rich in minerals like zinc, iron, potassium, calcium and phosphorus and vitamins B and C. They soothe the digestive system and are a great home remedy for painful urination. One can use them in thin layer on the prickly heat rashes or as face packs for inflammatory skin problems caused due to heat. 
  3. Sattu- It is the roasted Bengal gram flour. The flour is high in fibre and proteins and low in sodium. A glass of sattu drink acts as a cooling tonic for the body. Sattu keeps the tummy cool and helps in indigestion which is a common summer ailment. It hydrates the hair and skin and also prevents the wear and tear of skin cells. 
  4. Bael - These are called wood apple in English. Fibre rich fruits, they are a good source of calcium and phosphorus. The fruits and leaves have deworming  properties. A glass of bael  drink reduces heat from the body thus helping us to cool down from inside. When consumed an hour before  lunch  it can effectively combat digestive issues like acidity and constipation. 
  5. Sugarcane  - High concentration of calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese and iron makes sugarcane juice the perfect drink to replenish electrolytes in our system which we loose due to excessive  sweating. It is an energy  booster drink and an effective digestive agent. The drink is rich in antioxidants and a glass daily keeps the skin well hydrated. 
  6. Mint - There are numerous ways to use this antioxidant rich herb. One can add it in food,  make a refreshing drink out of it or grind and use as chutney. Mint oil has cooling and toning effects on skin. Mint water helps release enzyme histamine which boosts immunity against summer allergies. 
  7. Raw mangoes  - Raw mangoes negates the effects of excessive hot temperature. Being rich in vitamin B And C,  they improve our immune system. Raw Mango drink or Aam Panna  is a great coolant and energising drink for the  body.
  8. Lemons - The very image of lemons refreshes us. So what can be a better friend than lemons this summer. Lemonades are the best drink any time.  They are mild on children's tummies and are a good  home remedy for urinary tract infection which is a very painful summer ailment. They being rich in vitamin C also improve immunity against throat infections which our kids suffer from, commonly in summer. Lemons are the key to a shining face and lustrous hair too. 
  9. Cucumber  - Well of course, they are one of the most well known summer food.  What we didn't know was that a cup of cucumber  is as thirst quenching as a glass of water. With 95% of water by weight, it is like a bottle of water packed by nature. In addition, it manages stress and freshens our breath. Use it as a face pack to get rid of those ugly dark circles or fine wrinkle lines and look as cool as a cucumber. 
  10. Melons - Melons are low calorie food. Water makes 92% of melons. So they are perfect thirst quenches. Melons also contain those important electrolytes that we loose due to sweating. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Their refreshing and sweet taste make it a guilt free dessert for the dieters too. 

Nature designs the answers to all the problems it causes. Hence the seasonal fruits. We ignore nature's bounty for instant gratification. Cold drinks and ice-creams may cool us in an instant but the truth is they bring harm to our internal cooling system. Carbonated drinks increase our internal temperature where as ice-cream is the main culprit behind throat infections. Ever heard of someone having a sore throat  due to melons or cucumber?
That's all I had, to share on this topic. Hope we all beat the heat naturally. 

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